Nicole's Revival
Designer Resale Clothier
958 N. Newburgh Road
Westland, Michigan 48185-3286
(734) 729-1234 fax (734) 729-5678

Do you want a free sheet listing local Resale Shops for Ann Arbor, or other local shops? How about a brochure on "How to Shop Resale", or "How to Prepare Your Items for Resale"? Or perhaps you'd like a past article on a Resale Shopping Spree, Fashion Show, Men's Resale, Information About the Owner, MPWN, a map to Nicole's Revival, a free pen, business cards, etc. If you're interested in any of the above, mail in the coupon below along with a

Please send me:

______Sheet with more local resale shops
______Map with Ann Arbor/Ypsilanti resale shops
______Brochure on "How to Shop Resale"
______Brochure on "How to Prepare Your Items for Resale"

Past Articles:

______Fashion Show
______Men's Resale
______Resale Shopping Spree
______About the Owner


______Information on Michigan Professional Women's Network (MPWN)
______Map to Nicole's Revival
______Business Cards to Pass Out
______Information about Successful Images Int'l (Fashion/ Image consultant)
______I would like Nicole's Revival to do a Fashion Show Presentation/Speak for my group/organization.

______I would like to be added to your volunteer model list (Please enclose a photo/resume, if possible).
______I would like to volunteer to help out on the next Resale Shopping Spree.
______Please add me to your mailing list.
______Please send me _____ copies of "The Ultimate Consignment and Thrift Store Guide" for $16.95 plus $3.00 S&H each, enclosed is a check/money order for $_________
______Please contact me. I have Designer and/or brand-name clothing to sell (please include an inventory list, i.e.; sizes, age, description, etc.) with this flyer, or YOU WILL NOT BE CONTACTED.


City:____________________ State:________________ Zip Code:_____________________
Phone: Home: (____)____________ Work: (____)___________ email:________________________

P.S. Please do not forget to include your SASE, if requesting more than 4 items; please add additional postage. Request sheets sent in without an SASE will be discarded.

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